Reeny's Rambles
After the election and Romney's loss, the elitist faction of the GOP began to put forth the idea that conservatism must be modernized. Forget the fact that Rick Santorum was kicking Romney's progressive arse, and had he had the funds he would have continued to beat Romney, state after state. Rick Santorum the "extremist" was beating their progressive RINO'S (Republican in name only) behind. Romney was even forced to run to the right of Rick and it was laughable and entertaining, until he managed to push Rick out of the race with back room deals, millions of dollars worth of trash ads, and the thing he's best at....lying. And yet, the establishment claims that Romney was too conservative. Wow. Folks, I want to make it clear, because you need to really understand; the Republican party doesn't want conservatives. The RNC rule changes showed that, heck the entire primary showed that, heck everything the Washington Republicans do SHOWS THAT. The most recent action that is a spit in the face of conservatives is the purging of fiscal conservatives from Committees within the House. A Republican steering committee tasked with making committee assignments stripped Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., and Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., from the House Budget Committee. Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., and Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C. from the House Financial Services Committee. All four of these men have made it clear that they will not vote to raise taxes, something Republicans are supposed to all agree on, and yet after they confirm their stance they are purged from these committees. Here we are trying to make a deal with a president who doesn't want to budge or compromise on anything, and the folks with backbone, the folks that the people elected to represent them, are being kicked out of committees for doing what they said they would do!! This is your Republican party. Conservatives not welcome. Check out this interview Mark Levin had with Tim Huelskamp, one of the congressman booted from the House Budget Committee. Tim Huelskamp Interview Comments are closed.
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May 2013