"Pride and patriotism, not less than gratitude, prompt you to celebrate and to hold it [the Fourth of July] in perpetual remembrance. I have said that the Declaration of Independence is the RINGBOLT to the chain of your nation's destiny; so, indeed, I regard it. The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in. all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost.
"From the round top of your ship of state, dark and threatening clouds may be seen. Heavy billows, like mountains in the distance, disclose to the leeward huge forms of flinty rocks! That bolt drawn, that chain, broken, and all is lost. Cling to this day-cling to it, and to its principles, with the grasp of a storm-tossed mariner to a spar at midnight." -- Frederick Douglass, 'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July' speech, Rochester, NY, July 5, 1852 Fresno Bee Newsroom Blog
by John Ellis You really have to wonder about the future of the Republican Party — not only in California, but maybe even the nation — if people like Serafin Quintanar are jumping ship. Quintanar, 42, is a rock-solid conservative and Tea Party activist. In 2010, he finished a distant third in the 20th Congressional District Republican primary election, which was won by Hanford cherry farmer Andy Vidak. Next week, Quintanar says, he will re-register as an independent, which in the past was known in official parlance as “decline to state,” but is now called “no party preference.” In California, a lot has been written about the decline of the Republican Party, and much of that suggested it is out of step with the state’s more liberal leanings and has become too conservative to be viable. But Quintanar comes from a totally different angle. “I am not leaving the Republican Party,” he says. “The Republican Party left me.” Read this story at fresnobeehive.com ... |
"That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
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We're One Nation Under God. The first sworn duty of every officer of government is to protect the God-given, unalienable rights to life, liberty, and private property of every person, from creation to natural death. The God-given institution of one man-one woman marriage and the natural family must be protected. The right of the people to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed. Our national sovereignty, security, and borders must be defended. Our republican form of representative self-government must be adhered to. The oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States must be fulfilled. Categories
May 2013