Exclusive: David Lane explains choice: Be faithful to GOP, or faithful to Jesus
WND.com David Lane The article "Rove Says Romney Lost Because of those Horrible Conservatives" and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Sen. John Cornyn's interview with Politico are helpful as we try to sort through the 2012 election rout. Politico reports: "During an interview in his Senate hideaway in the basement of the Capitol, Cornyn told POLITICO that the 2012 elections exposed that the GOP had a 'brand problem.'" It's not clear why the prize pupil of Karl Rove - John Cornyn - feels it necessary to bring up the Republican "brand problem." We'll need to go back a quarter-century to gain perspective. Perhaps Ronald Reagan wasn't perfect, but there's a rationale why he removed a sitting U.S. president - Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1980 - and won 49 states for re-election in 1984 - and it wasn't "the economy, stupid." President Reagan bequeathed to the Republican Party the magnificent, "brand" of:
"Until American churches actually function as outposts of Jesus' heavenly empire rather than as cheerleaders for America - until the churches produce martyrs rather than patriots - the political witness of Christians will continue to be diluted and co-opted" ("Between Babel and the Beast," Peter J. Leithart). The moderate, mercenary GOP chieftains and lieutenants - the evangelists that constructed and maintain the Permanent Republican Majority - truly believe that their political philosophy and "amoral values" trump the principles and foundation laid by America's founders. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams Read this story at wnd.com ... |
"That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
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May 2013