Taylor Rose WASHINGTON – Just one day after tax activist Grover Norquist warned Democrats are coming after the middle class for $3 trillion in tax hikes, another conservative leader says it appears the big GOP strategy is to figure out how to surrender. Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, told WND today that the Republican leadership is lacking vision, resents its own conservative base and needs to refocus. “If the Republicans continue a campaign of presenting themselves as Democrat-lite, they are going to see the losses increase. It will not be long before the Democrats are in complete control,” he told WND in an interview. The issue isn’t that Republicans are losing but that Republicans are not being Republican – and that’s why they’re losing. “Whenever a Republican distinguishes himself from a Democrat, he wins,” he said. “Whenever he acts like a Democrat, he loses. … You cannot out-Democrat a Democrat.” He cited GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney as an example. Romney was ill-prepared to tackle Barack Obama, as the former venture capitalist epitomized the stereotypical rich, elitist Republican that does not connect with the average person, he said. And he didn’t make sure voters knew he was different. Bozell said the way Republicans win is when they don’t campaign like Democrats. That, after all, Bozell said, is what Ronald Reagan did. Read this story at ... Comments are closed.
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May 2013