Independent Political Report Tom Hoefling announced an independent campaign for the presidency on Thursday, selecting Andy Prior of Texas to be his running mate. The ticket previously ran in the 2020 election cycle. In a recorded statement made to his campaign site on Thursday, Hoefling introduced himself and Prior, announcing that the ticket would be running as independent candidates for the 2024 election and discussing details about his campaign. Readers can access the audio and a transcribed version of his statement on his campaign site. In the introduction, Hoefling emphasizes his commitment to principled moral conservatism, citing his past advocacy and electoral experience. He criticizes the current system, arguing that it is manipulated to favor the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as those with financial and media backing. Hoefling believes the solution lies in mobilizing Americans, particularly those who are Christian, to reclaim their moral and political power to restore the nation’s foundational principles. “It’s actually a mathematical certainty that if a large fraction of the professing Christians in America – say, even a third of them – would begin to do the right thing, in a relatively short period of time, we would win, and could then begin the hard work of putting this country back on its legitimate foundations,” Hoefling states. To that end, Hoefling’s campaign will focus on several core issues that will resonate with such voters, namely the protection of unborn children and the preservation of what he terms natural marriage and family structures. He condemns the legalization and regulation of abortion, labeling it as an ongoing “American genocide,” and asserts that equal protection under the law for all individuals extends to both the born and unborn. In addition to his views on marriage and reproductive health, Hoefling also addresses the right to self-protection under the Second Amendment, a robust national defense, and a secure immigration system, among other policy positions. More...
lISTEN HERE: tRANSCRIPT: June 27, 2024 Lohrville, Iowa Hello. My name is Tom Hoefling, from Iowa. I’m here today to announce that I have now taken the first steps to run this year as a conservative independent for the office of President of the United States. As many of you know, I’ve run for president before, three times. This ain’t my first rodeo. I know exactly what I’m doing, and why. I have absolutely no illusions about what my candidacy represents, or what to expect out of this campaign. I’m a principled moral conservative candidate, and have proven that over decades of intense political activism - as many will attest - but I’m walking in reality. Just as in past elections, our political system remains rigged, but not in the way so many folks seem to think. It’s rigged at the ballot access level, to solely benefit candidates of the Democrat/Republican duopoly. It’s rigged to benefit those with money. It’s rigged to benefit those with a stamp of approval from the media. It’s rigged to the benefit of the immoral, two-party, lesser-of-two-evils, logical fallacy. All you have to do is look at who is being allowed on the presidential debate stage to know that what I’m saying is absolutely correct. Look. I’ve been dealing with elections, including elections at the national level, for decades, both inside and outside of that duopoly. And I know for a fact that if the people of the United States will ever wake up to their own interests, we can quite easily un-rig this process. If We the people of the United States will wake up to our own immense moral and political power, we already know how to un-rig this process. And, it doesn’t even have to be the people at large that we have to move. If the professing CHRISTIANS of the country, those who claim to follow Jesus Christ, would simply stop compromising away the moral basis of the republic - which never should have been compromised for any politician, or political party, in the first place - and begin to once again act morally, we know exactly how to un-rig this process. It’s actually a mathematical certainty that if a large fraction of the professing Christians in America - say, even a third of them - would begin to do the right thing, in a relatively short period of time, we would win, and could then begin the hard work of putting this country back on its legitimate foundations. And so, first things first: What are those foundations? Well, it starts right here: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men." – The Declaration of Independence It starts with our understanding as Americans that our claim to life, liberty, and happiness, was predicated, from the beginning, on our public acknowledgment of our Creator, and our personal, and national, commitment to do His divine will. When it comes to our civic life, what is that will? That the God-given, unalienable rights of the people, all of the people, be equally protected, under the law, everywhere in America. It’s not complicated. We must continue to stand opposed to those who claim that “rights” can ever be legitimately claimed in defense of moral wrongs. To say that they can be is to turn the meanings of words on their head. Moral wrongs cannot ever rightfully be rights, by definition. I continue to run for president, first and foremost, because during our lifetimes, tens of millions of innocent unborn children - defenseless, helpless little boys and girls - have been lawlessly, unconstitutionally, deprived of protection for their supreme God-given, UNALIENABLE right, the right to live, the right upon which all other individual human rights depend. Since 1973, when a Republican-appointed Supreme Court ruled in favor of abortion in Roe v. Wade, more than 65 million children have been slaughtered. More than a million innocents have been murdered in the U.S. every single year. And, two years after the court, in its Dobbs v. Jackson decision, supposedly "overturned Roe," any child conceived anywhere in America can still be murdered under its auspices, under the color of "pro-life" "law." All the murderer has to do is conform to the rules, regulations, and schedules laid out by pro-lifers. This American genocide must end. The judgment of God WILL fall on our heads, sooner or later, if we don’t end it. And part of that righteous judgment will be because of the bloody example we set for the rest of the world, which has now slaughtered literally billions of its own children via surgical abortion, pharmaceuticals, and IVF procedures. But, it will not end if Americans continue to support the failed, immoral, unconstitutional, regulationist, “pro-life,” status quo. It will not end by relying on a Supreme Court that continues to fail to recognize the self-evident humanity of the unborn child, and their required equal protection by the explicit, imperative provisions of multiple amendments to our Constitution. The bloodshed can only end when those we elect - at every level, and in every branch of government - those who take the constitutionally-required oath to support and defend the Constitution - begin to keep that solemn, sacred oath by actively providing equal protection under the law for every person, born and unborn, in every state. Only then will we again - in truth - in practice - fulfill the stated purposes of our Constitution, especially its ultimate stated purpose, which is “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to our Posterity.” And, it isn’t just about abortion. Don’t kid yourself: Posterity cannot be secured when, and if, we continue to accept the destruction of natural marriage, and the natural family, the way God created, ordained, and instituted it. In fact, a strong argument can be made that not a single stated purpose of the Constitution can be fulfilled if we continue to destroy the natural family, which is the bedrock institution of our entire civilization. I continue to run for president as the only consistent protector of, and consistent advocate for, one man-one woman marriage, and the natural family. I continue to run for president as the only consistent defender of your God-given, unalienable individual right to self-protection, as secured by the Second Amendment. I continue to run for president as an advocate for a strong America, militarily, one which will fulfill its moral and treaty obligations in the world because it’s the right thing to do, but also because, ultimately, our own national security depends upon it. If we are craven enough to throw friends and allies (such as the Ukrainians, and the Israelis, and the Taiwanese), to the terrorists and tyrants, we will deserve whatever destruction falls on our own heads because of that betrayal. I have stood without fear or favor against all of those who have disturbed our domestic peace and tranquility, including those who fomented, or committed, violent insurrection against the U.S. Capitol and our constitutionally-mandated electoral processes. I continue to run for president as a strong defender of our national borders, national sovereignty, and the rule of law. I love immigrants - they inspire me. They build up and bless our country. But, those who come here must only be allowed to do so with our permission, on the condition that they abide by our immigration laws. Otherwise, we will have ceased to be a self-governing, secure, free people. I continue to run for president as an opponent of the profligate, unconstitutional, spending which is driving us not just to national bankruptcy, but, very quickly now, toward national insolvency. It is immoral, and destructive, for any generation to run up debts that they cannot possibly repay. To do so is to deprive our posterity of their God-given right to government by consent. I continue to run for president as a father of eleven living children, and four grandchildren, so far. I love my kids very much, and understand that I have a moral duty to do all I can to transmit to them the free constitutional republic that was bequeathed to us by Almighty God, and by our brave, hard-working, God-fearing forebears. I’ll have much more to say in the days between now and Election Day on November 5th. Stay tuned. But, I wanted to let you all know I’m all in once again. And, last but definitely not least,here’s one last piece of important news: My dear friend and long-time co-laborer, Andy Prior of Texas, has agreed to once again be my running mate! I thank God for Andy and his amazing wife Bethzy, and for their willingness to continue to serve, even as they are in the midst of welcoming their beautiful new son Luke into the world this week! May God save the American people, and the American republic, for the sake of our Posterity. Tom Hoefling FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: [email protected] June 17, 2020 From his front porch in rural Iowa, Tom Hoefling today announced his independent candidacy for President of the United States in 2020. Hoefling, a long-time national conservative activist, and a father of ten, laid out an agenda which includes the immediate abolition of abortion, and the restoration of the civil institution of one-man, one-woman marriage. "We can't expect America to ever be great again as long as this bloody holocaust continues. We can't expect God's blessings on a land that continues to destroy innocent children by the millions. And we certainly can't prosper again as long as we continue to allow the destruction of our most fundamental and essential institution: the God-ordained, God-created, God-instituted, natural family. It's absolutely clear that neither the Trump Republicans, nor the Biden Democrats, will lift one finger to protect the unborn, or to restore our historic legal protections to the civil institution of marriage. So, once again, I'm standing forward on behalf of those millions of Americans who still believe in the original moral and constitutional principles of the country," Hoefling said. Mr. Hoefling also placed great emphasis on restoring and protecting Second Amendment rights, and on educating Americans about the dangers of the destructive fallacy of judicial supremacy. Tom Hoefling is running a classic American front porch campaign, just as he did in 2012 and 2016. This is for various practical reasons, which this year include the Covid-19 scare. Since the shutdowns in various states have made it difficult or impossible to obtain petition signatures, the campaign will be running a qualified write-in effort in most states. Tom pointed out that if he had things his way, all elections would be by write-in. All it would take, he said, was for "each candidate to file the necessary paperwork proving that they meet the constitutional requirements for the office in question, and for presidential candidates to also file the necessary slate of presidential electors. Then let the people decide, without any reference to political parties whatsoever." The General Election will be held this year on Tuesday, November 3rd. Voters can learn more at ### |
July 2024